It’s the “secret sauce” that makes us different.
When you want to rise above the rest, you need high-impact, strategic financial leadership with a twist. We call it the “secret sauce”, and include a sneak peak at the ingredients below.
We furnish you with all of the accounting, financial and technical tools you expect from any credentialed chief financial officer. And then we use our unique set of collaborative skills to take what already exists within your company and enhance and sculpt it to allow your leadership team to rise to new heights of excellence.
We realize that any project that seeks to effect positive change takes planning, preparation, perseverance and patience. We know how to set the pace, follow the course, and when to ramp up to win the race. Call for your own confidential consultation and get a taste of the “secret sauce” for your company.

Without a playbook a team can’t function as a cohesive unit. We disseminate the relevant information to your team, then follow up with support and coaching to provide organizational direction that help achieve your goals.

We cut through the chaff to clearly define the strategic goals and objectives, using straight-forward language and identifying the paths to take along with the expected timeline so that everyone is on the same page.

Need for change
Knowledge is a key motivator and deepens the buy-in from staff. We use detailed analytics to demonstrate what needs to be done, then reinforce it with a financial road map of how it will be achieved. Staff at every level is made aware of the value and importance of their work in the process.

Convert the resistance
Resistance to change is a given, but by laying the correct groundwork we are able to eliminate doubts, fears and negativity to preserve momentum.

We consider this last step to be the most important. Changing an organization’s culture to a positive “can-do” environment is crucial to creating a solid foundation for future growth and success.